All posts by johncohn

Monday night – Urge for Going

This morning on our run we the first sines of snow in Jonesville.. It’s actually a bit late .. glad to see it. though 

Our gardens are saying goodbye.. the season has turned.. remimminds me of my favorite johny mitchel song. “Urge for Going”  .. this is a recording from 1966.. check out the cheesy intro to the show

Later.. after work, Rebar came over for soem help on his project for Ben.. Clay was there helping me with the Beta project.. so he got a chance to demonstrate his telescoping actuator

I have to note here that this ‘in between time”.. or ‘stick season’ .. can get pretty dark and sad for us.. We have the urge for goign.. so we’re planning a trip out west for the worst pats of Novemenr.. 

You do what you can 

nite all, nite sam


Sunday night – Dave, Linda and Willow heading home

It’s been really nice having David, Linda and Willow  here ..  especially during this time of year.   

Its been  nice having a dog in the house again.  We miss our girls so much.. but were not ready yet for more dogs.. we’re traveling so much to see the boys. 

Aroudn10 we all drove down to Yates orchard in Monkton. Its on the way home for Linda and David.. and today is the last day that Yates is open. We had to have one more dreamy .. a hot cider donut covered with maple softserve. Yume

Today Yates  had  cans of a softdrink made here in VT. Its Carrot Silk Chilli..   It tastes like its name.. and I’m not so sure thats a good thing 🙂 

We said goodbye to david, linda and willow… they drove south.. and we headed to north ferrisurgh to try out a enw trail.   I dont remember the name of the trail.. but it starts with a long boardwalk over a amarsh.. THen does a really beautiful loop around a tall hill. on ann otherwise flat plane THere are soem great views there.. and theres a cool rock formation called the Oven.

THen we headed back hoe. I had a ton of work to do on a BETA project. 
We noticed when we got home that last nights hard frost fina;;y got the better of the giant elephant plants..   It was their   time.

Nite all, nite sam

Saturday night – Techjam

Woke today and walked down to a quiet house. Thinking of the great gathering last night for Sam.. The Samstones are drying to get ready for Diane to apply the iron oxide in teh Sam imprint

I got dressed and headed out to TechJam at Hulu . TechJam is put on by my freinds Cathy and Paua at 7Days. Its the best collection of startups and Stem activities in the State. I was there with two groups. FIRST robotics had a fantastic booth right bey the entrance. It’s been one of the best ways we have about gettign the word out about FIRST’s great STEAM progrrams. I was also there to support BETA. We were there with our Mobildome simulator and several of our study hall demo (I’d been trying really hard to complete another demo to bring.. but didnt get it done in time 🙁 ..) 

THe keynote was from Matty Benedetto , the creator of Unnecessary Inventions 
If you dont know Matty’s work., check him out.. He creates solutions for problems that dont exist !. He’s a great speaker.. funny and a very able maker He’s built an amazing brand by creating things that no one needs,. He was the perfect keynote speaker for techjam !

here are some images from this year’s  techjam

Huge thanks to Cathy and 7Days for all they do to put on this event !

I got home from Techjam in time for a short sunset hike to the Rivershore..  

It’s  been a long and beautiful fall !

Nite all, nite sam


Friday night – Gathering for Sam

Linda , David and willow are here.. We’ve really enjoyed having them up.. We took a hike up to libby’s look with them

We’re coming up on the 18th anniversary of Sam’s passing. Many years we mark the day by hiking up Bolton with friends and hosting a potluck. We all get together and make samstones. . Over the last couple of years we’ve sometimes been traveling for that  day.  We still hike.. 

THis year we decided to have the potluck a little early because we’re goign to be out of town for  a good portion of november.. 

We sent out word through facebook and text messages to all of Sam’s friends, So many  of them are still in our lives. 

about 60 friends including their spouses and babies showed up.. We caught up with each other. .. and with Sam

Diane even made a dark chocolate red bull cake in Sams honor

And we had a redbull toast to Sam

And we all made samstones.. Its amazing that people are still placing and finding samstones after 18 years !

It meant very much to us that all these people still think of Sam..
It keeps us all closer 

we all love you Sam
