All posts by johncohn

Tuesday night – comings and goings

Today was a day for visitors and departures.  First visitor was my good friend Evan. He has a mobile car detailing business.. and camew over to do both of our cars. he did a great job !  and It was really nice gettign to spend some time with him.

Just as Evan was leaving a very nice and unknown woman  and her husband came to the door.. Turns out her nme was DIane Stratton.. She and her sister used to live in the schoolhouse just before I bought the place in august of 1982 !. We loved showing her around the house and getting her recollection of what had changed and what had not. Actually she’s sort of part of how I found the place.  Diane and her sister Laurie lived in the schoolhouse in 1982..  and were friends with our good friend Paul  . Paul pointed the house out to me one day in 1982.. a few months later I saw a ‘for sale sign’.. and the rest is history !

In addition to these two fun ‘comings’.. there was an importsnt ‘going’  Fluffy was loaded up on a flatbed trailer today and began her long trip out to the Playa.. Good luck girl !

Nite all. nite sam


Monday night – look up !

TOday was all about looking up.. I came out of D2 today and saw Alia SN1 flying.. always a treat to see her (but not hear her 🙂 fly by 

Minutes later on the way home I saw the most brilliant rainbow over richmond

After dinner diane and I took a fast walk up to the gorge.. Always nice to see.. it’s still running high after the rains>>
kinda sad that the reinforcements that got put up after one of the last floods  have been tagged.. why do folks do that ?!

In th e theme of looking up .. this si what we saw on the way home from the gorge.. What the heck !?!?!

I guess its fair to say that things are looking up 🙂

nite all, nite sam

Sunday night – Fire organ

Began the day with a really nice hike up to duxbury window. There were quite a few cars in the banforth parking lot. I think thats because all of the other camels hump trails are still closed from the flooding..

roads areound here are still a mess

It the afternoon I met up with my friend Derek and his friend Chirs to move the fire organ I had been storing at Earthkeep.   I got hold of the thing with Max’s freind Mark needed to get it out of his storage in NYC. Diane and I rented a box truck and drove it back to VT and  we  stored it for a while at our freind John’s warehose, then moved it to Eatrthkeep.  Fluffy’s lost our lease at Earthkeep so everything must go .. Derek answered my offer to re-house the organ at his house.. I’m super psyched to help him get it running 

It felt both good and weird to pull all of our stuff out of Earthkeep. It’s been a great place to work.. but we no longer feel welcome there. 

nite all, nite sam


Saturdy night – Fluffy packing and party

Today was the day that fluffy was being packed to travel. It turns out this year. Dwayne has found somebody to flatbed fluffy out to the desert, which is going to be a huge help… Today the crew packed all the clouds inside all of the gear and I finished buttoning up and backing up the computers and fire rig

We’re getting kicked out of our cozy spot at earthquake… When fluffy comes back, we don’t know where she’s going to live.… I’ve had lots of adventures here… I’ll miss this place

Diana and I were going to drive home and wash some of the fluffy dust off of ourselves before going out again, but we realized if we went home we both fall asleep so instead we drove up to Colchester to go to Jake and his family’s party. It was really an excellent party. Members of our friends band the worm dogs were playing and it was a wonderful potluck of all sorts of kind of food. There were many people there we knew from completely different life Jake’s mom dad and sister are so great. They really know how to put on a great party.

the Nees live only about 100 yards from the lake. We all went down there and watched the sunset.

Jake and I were telling people about the first time we met. He must’ve been 14 or 15… And I was helping run the Vermont mini maker fair. One of the things we had was the champ challenge where people had to make floating robots that could submerge and blow fire. Jake won the contest and I think that was the firs… I was able to find pictures of it in make magazine!

Long fun day.||nite all, note sam
