Friday night – friday the 13th !

Today is friday the 13th..   supposedly an unlucky day.. but it came and went in peacefully .. so no complaints !
First thing is that I took Sarah Ann to her authentic movement friend in SHelbourne It was fun driving around with Sarah Ann. .. Sarah ann and her friend  are going down to an Authentic Movement weekend retreat in Bomoseen (why bomoseen ? no clue).. . Her friend was really nice 

Next stop was BETA.. we’re preparing for the Aviation Field Days  event this weekend. I’ve been workign with my friend Melissa and Tyler on an exhibit for showing people how much electricity you can generate by riding an exercise bike.    

We’re using a bike generator setup we’re borrowing from our friends at  ECHO center. ..  It uses the bikes output to run an inverter that drives one of theose Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube Guys !
 I tehn did a minor hackjob to extract some data from the generator control box.. and then Melissa is writing a very cool Node-Red dashboard to show how much energy eaxch rider generated.. abnd keep a leader board of energy productions for the whole event.  

Today we did our first real test of the system.. which goes in to use tomorrow. >> Worked great  thanks mostly to Melissa’s node-red magic. 

later on that evening.. I met Diane and Sho later for a tour of BETA ..and then dinner

Busy day

nite all, nite sam

Thursday night – Sarah Ann

TOday was special.. My cousin Sarah Ann is in town for a day on a way to an ‘authentic movement ‘ gathering. Sarah Ann is my Dad’s first cousin.. so/ my first cousin once removed .. I think ?   Sarah Ann is the sister of my causins Sam and Harry. THeir parents Louis and Florette died in a n airplane crash in France in 1962.. (note: I don’t knwo why I put in that part.. other than that sentence seems to come wiht any mention of the three of them  .. interesting how we ‘brand’ people based on their collective tragedies. We know how that works )

Anyway.. It has ben really great having Sarah Ann up here. I’ve always really liked her . he husband Howie and their kids. .. Genrelaly we only meet up for big family occasions,  so It was fun to have her to ourselves / 

We had a great time catching up on family and life stuff. I took her for a quick tour of BETA.. the we had dinner with her and Sho …  


NIce to have mishpokhe visit

nite all, nite sam

Wednesday night – Marks stuff

Beautiful fall-ish day. Diane and I did a quick run/hike up to the window

Later for lunch I met with my new friend Mark W. We’ve been trying to find a time to hang out.. and today for lunch worked.  Mark is an amazing ‘collector’ he’s very interested in accessible modern art. He has 4 (maybe 5)  curated collections spread across several buildings in the South End..  Mark collects lesser known , sometime local.. art.. and displays it in context with other pieces of related style. He has done a wonderous job at cataloging his huge collection.. and knows where everything is, where its from and its back story. We spent about 2 hours as Mark showed me around.. there were many artists and movements I recognized.. and far more that I’d never seen.. It was amazing !

 Mark is very well known and loved in the South End arts community. Everyone has great stories about him.. 

Mark’s long time goal is to find a permentant location for the collection so that more people can see it.. After seeing the collection.. I see why that would be soooo great. 

If you ever get a chance, get to know Mark and his collection. I think you will really enjoy it.. I did..

Nice to get to know Mark better !
Its fun to make a new freind after running in similar circles for so long

nite all, nite sam


Tuesday night – what happened ?

I’m working to fill in almost two months of posts right now. I usually rely on my photos and calendar to remind me of the days activities. I was doign that for Tuesday Sept 10, 2024… and

I dont rememebr what happened that day.. no. photos.. only works stuff on my cal 

I hope I had fun !

nite all, nite sam
