Tag Archives: a little less funny

Tuesday night – A little less funny

I woke today and thought that  the world felt a little less funny. Did you feel it too ?

Robin Williams death by his own hand rocked me like it rocked everyone else. I was really touched to see how many folks who …like me..  talked, tweeted, posted about the special relationship they had  with Williams.. I was standing in the swimming pool last night at 3:30 am , unable to sleep,   when it occurred to me, you’d be hard pressed to come up with a person who was so universally loved, liked and admired in the world today.. He was the embodiement of funny and pleasantly crazy.. he was the cheerleader of that whacked out voice in all our heads that wants us to let go and follow our impulses..

Maybe he’ll be a cheerleader now , too, for the treatment of mental illness.  Recently Cheryl Hannah, a popular VT Law School committed suicide after a long battle with depression.. her death started a dialog in the state on mental illness and depression that was very healthy. Maybe Robin Williams sad act will help folks worldwide dig deeper and recognize that depression and mental illness can not always be seen.. ..

 still shocked and saddened.. but I’ll bet like me.. you found yourself goign through the Robin WIlliams Rolodex in your head today.. and getting a few sad/funny memories from that..

Anyway … (never say ‘anyway’ in a blog post…)


We  did have some fun today. My brother and sister in law Joe and Pat are in town today.   In an accidental homage to robin williams we had a zany meal  component tonight.. Diane made Brussels sprouts with walnuts and maple syrup.. They were so sweet, I got out the Americone Dream Ben and Jerry’s…   It was better than you could possibly imagine !.. Brussels sprout chip  ?

Ialso managed to  sneek out for lunch with them to visit the Magic Hat Brewery.. Never been there.. what a cool place !

I dropped them in Burlington with enough time  before my next meeting to show them floorish ! Love seeign my and maxs name there.


ok.. gotta run. More tomorrow

nite all, nite sam
