Tag Archives: blockade !

Tuesday night – blockade !

We’re surrounded.. ! for some reason the powers that be have decided to blockade our little hamlet by tearing up all the roads between us and the high school The bridge by our house will be closed for at least two days while they fix the railroad track.. that means all the traffic out of our road will have to divert through nearby Richmond.. where it will join all the commuters trying to get over the Bridge Street bridge.. which is down to 1 lane for 6-8 weeks for painting.. once across that hapless drivers will have to battle their way up browns trace road that has been in the process of being repaved since school began.. Right now the road is unpaved , down to one lane and generally full of equipment whcih folks have to snake around as they try to get to all three of the areas schools.. It’s a mess ! The funny thing is..none of this work is related to the floods we’ve have.. they .. (whover they are).. actually planned this..

I guess at this point we should all sit back and enjoy the extra time in the car with our kids. All the work has to get done by the time the snow flies.. which is getting very close..

For now.. please send reinforcements and supplies.. it’s goign to be a lonnnnnnng commute.

nite all, nite sam