Tag Archives: boxing day

Friday night – Boxing day

Happy Boxing day.. whatever that means THe day after Christmas is called boxing day.. .. I first learned of it when we lived in England.

I had a good and productive day hanging out with family and working around the house.   I borrowed Tim’s chain saw and took care of some of the ice storm damage . We lost part of 5 trees.. . I chainsawed and Diane hauled..


I also did some computer related maintenance around the house as we swerve towards being a mostly mac family..


Max and I have been working on a cool project of his.. based on arduino nano.. and we’re having the most mysterious problem.. the kind that is erratic and hard to reproduce…

it’s now 1 am and we’ve been staring at it for hours..

I’m goign to go sleep on it and see if I see the code problem in my dreams.


nite all. nite sam
