Tag Archives: buenas aires

Saturday night – Buenos Dias !

Gabe and I are having fun here in Buenos Aires. We decided o spend another day here in the city before heading north.. .  We’d had a late night last night… just walking around and eventually eating .. We found a good sushi place around 11pm.    It was great to have something other than cheese to eat..

We both managed to sleep until almost afternoon… It was a a mix of clouds and sun.. and pretty cool.. maybe in the mid 40’s.. We put on shorts and sweatsirts and headed out for a run.. I managed to loose my glases (!@#% !) soon after we started.. I have an old spare pare.. but basically I’m pretty dependent on them.. I can’t read at all . without them..   with these old ones.. I can sort of read.. but… it’s just making things more interesting..


Gabe took me on a tour of this part of the town on our run.. we hit several cool old buildings then walked through two street fairs.. Eventually we ended up at La Ricoletta Cemetery.. what an AMAZING place.. our pics from that trip are on Gabe’s camera… and that’s formatted for a MAC.. so I’ll post those pictures when we get back.. We did place a few samstones… pictures of that coming soon
We came back to the hotel and both fell asleep for a couple of more hours.. Eventually we headed back out for dinner.. we found a great thai fast food place.. . then brought that stuff back to the room. For old times sake we set out the food on an ironing board.. Gabe and I remember doing that oen day when he was a little kid.. We got stuck in Washington DC on the way back from Florida.. and ended up making a feats in a hotel an and set it up on an  ironing board..


Now we’re watching ‘shark week’ on Discovery.. Oh, speaking of Discovery.. I just found these dubbed versions of the colony videos on Tu Discovery.. very cool


OK.. more from the road tomorrow..

nite all, nite sam…
