Tag Archives: centennial

Sunday afternoon – Happy Birthday IBM

We’re hunkered down inside for what might be the coldest night of the year.. it’s barley cleared zero today.. and we’re expecting a cold clear night tonight.. probably about -18 F. . I love it when gets like that.

Inside it’s bright and warm.. no complaints.

One thing I’ve been meaning to write about this week is the IBM Centennial.. This year. my company becomes 100 years old. There’s going to be lots of fanfare around the year.. and .. I hope.. lots of reflection.

Here are two movies that have just been released to celebrate our birthdays.. (note: I’ve got a 3 second cameo at minute 12 of the first one..

This second one is longer.. .. but it has some great stories..

The company has gone through many changes in the last century.. From a company making meat slicers, to a near monopoly in computing.. almost to non-existence in the early mid 90’s to the huge global company we are today. It’s a really proud legacy for the most part.. Many ‘firsts’ .. the first system family of computers, the first relational database, the UPC code, the first DRAM memory, the computer system for the moon landings, the first computer to beat a human chess champion, (and perhaps a Jeopardy champion.. we’ll see on Feb 14th 🙂 . There have been many challenges along the way as well.. ..to be sure, it’s not the family business it used to be.. but it’s still one of the most broad, solid and socially minded businesses on the planet. I get a great kick out of having colleagues that range from Nobel prize winning physicists to toxicologists, to mathematicians , to business theorists. I don’t know of a broader technical community that’s ever been aligned under one banner in the history of humanity..

All in all, the company has been very very good to me, .. it’s the only place I’ve every really worked.. 30 years this coming August. They’ve let me work all over the world, sent me back for a PhD. and given me really cool stuff to work on. They even introduced me to Diane (Stairs of bldg 963, august 1982) .. It was my gift as a second generation IBMer.. Diane’s dad, Gabe worked at IBM for more than 30 years in Endicott. He tells us stories of singing the IBM song in the morning before work, wore a tie to work, went to the IBM Country Club, etc.
I must also say I appreciate how much the company has done to take care of me since Sam’s death.. though they don’t always know what to do. It would be hard to ask for more.

Don’t get me wrong.. there are many times I’m not completely in love with my job or the company… I strive to love about 80% of what I do there. . sometimes that’s been as low as 40 %.. ..but it always turns around.. but hey.. isn’t that what a relationship is supposed to be like ?

So.. Happy birthday IBM.. you’re looking pretty good for 100..

nite all, nite Sam.
