Tag Archives: deprogramming

Saturday night – deprogramming

I just realized that I spent the whole day not thinking about work. I was not thinking about work when I woke up.. I was not thinking about work when Diane and I went for a hike.. I was not thinking about work on the long drive over to Homers and pack, nor was I thinking about work while we worked on a contraption we’re developing..  I was not thinking about work through dinner.. or when Ian and his freinds stopped by. In fact I was not thinking about work until about 5 minutes ago when I sat down to write this.. That may not sound like a big deal.. but for someone who’s usually obsessing about work.. it is..

The big accomplishment for the day was going for a hike. Diane and I were determined to spend time outside today. For me, it was all about the weather.. the heat had broken last night. and it’s ow cool and dry.. By the time we drove the 4 or so miles to the bolton notch trailhead of the long trail, the temperature had dropped into the low 60’s.. A full 30 degrees cooler than it had been just 2 days before.


We love this hike.. I think it’s about 4 miles of up and down through fairly covered trail. There are some good lookouts over camels hump about a third the way in and a beautiful beaver pond.

We stopped at duck brook shelter to give the dogs a rest and drop off a samstone.

Right after the shelter we ran into our friends and neighbors  Veronique and Matt and their dog Toby. They were planning a quick up and downjusst to Duck Brook and back, but Diane had the great idea of giving them our car key and letting them hike the same thing we’d just done in reverse. It gave them a chance to see the really nice parts of the trail beyond the shelter.. and it allowed us to get our car back here .. everybody made out.. they loves the hike.

Later in the day I went over to homers to work on a long term project we’re doing. While there he tried to convince me to join him in forming a team for the 72 hour redbull create competition in July.. It looks pretty cool. I’ll have to think about that…

but I won’t think about that until tomorrow..


All for now..


nite all, nite sam
