Greetings from Bangalore.. gotta make this short. I need to leave for the airport before 4AM.. Great and busy day.. my head is swimming with all the things I learned. I saw so many freinds and met so many cool new people. I’m really energized by the technical progress the team here has made in the past few years. I can’t go in to details here.. but the energy, creativity and skills here are so impressive (and humbling).
Anyway.. a few pics from the day.. My day began trying to figure out what to do about the pint of maple syrup that blew up in my luggage.. All of my clothes had a sweet glaze .. I had to send them out for laundry
I woke early to have breakfast with freind Shridhar at 7 Am.. it was great catching up with him.. He came with me in my taxi to EGL which gave us extra time to catch up.
Here’s trusty Kumar negotiating the Bangalore traffic while Shridhar and i had our meeting.. I’m glad he’s driving.. not me !
Still sacred cows on the road.. but I notice far fewer on this visit then in my previous 6 visits here.. wonder why ?
My day (and entire visit) was masterfully orchestrated by my good friend Govind. He told me where to be.. what to say.. when to eat, THere was not a spare second in the day.. he even arraigned for me to meet a few freinds as I moved between meetings. He’re my old freind Geeta .. she showed me pictures of her beitiful 18 month old.
The day ended with a great tour by Pushpin.. .. I managed to bring two other friends along.. My buddy Vish.. who’s now the CTO here.. and my freind Shankar.. who lives in Chennai. but happened to be in town.. Great seeing all of them..
Vish and I had a quick dinner.. then I came back.. hopeign to ge right to sleep..
Unfortunately.. I started reading email.. gotta sign off now !
Nite all, nite sam
Hey.. tomorrow’s my birthday !