Woke to the sound of many kids still in the house. About 25 kids had slept over.. and they were all gathered around our table eating everything in site.. It was a fun way to greet the year.. By about noon they were all gone.. but not before helping us clean up from the party…
The rest of the day as quiet and slow.. diane and i went out with the dogs on skis… the rest of the day I spent digging out of the email hole that everyone has after the holidays. so much email to read, respond and file.. ugh,.. I finally gott the hundered and hundereds down to one page.. That I’ll dig through tomorrow.. for now.. I’m too tired to type anymore.. so
I’ll just say again.. Happy new year everyone.. I hope it’s a good and productive year for us all..
hey.. a guy can hope !..
nite all, nite sam