Tag Archives: foundation

Sunday night – foundation

Blissful day at home.. getting used to the timezone again. I woke well rested at 10:30 to streaming sunlight.. and temp in th high teens.  Didn’t do much today.. Got out long enough too play in the glorious snow we have.. Diane, the dogs and I snowshoed up in Honey Hollow. There was about a foot of new snow over a think layer of ice that made for easy walking for both us and the dogs.. Stilll. My poles would poke through occasionally .. and then you realized there was about 3 feet of snow everywhere we walked..

One of our stops today was to explore the foundation for an old mill we saw while hiking on the other side of honey hollow creek a few weeks back. After living ere for 30 years, it’s unusual and fun to come across something ‘new’.   We’re pretty sure this was the foundation for a small mill sometime in the past 100 to 150 years. .. There’s a small sluice just down stream from here..  We don’t know what they might have been doing here.. it could have been a small lumber mill… or a grain mill.. or even an electric generator.. No way of knowing now.. All that is left is this well built rock skirt that would have been the basement built into the slop of a hill .

A perfect place for a samstone..

It felt so good to be out in nature after the last couple of days of travel..  The trip was good though.. it’ helped me rebuild my foundation a little. I got to do what I love which is meeting new people and getting them excited about science and engineering. Every time I do that, I’m reminded that that’s what I should be doing with my life..   I guess I am doing.. just need to do it more…

ah.. gotta sleep now.. more tomorrow

nite all, nite sam
