Tag Archives: fresh tart

Tuesday night – fresh start

Today was my first day of work for 2012…as it was  for most folks. .. It felt like the first day of school … I got my notebook together.. found a fresh pen…sat down at my desk.. .. then proceeded to do all the same things I was doing last year… paw through my mail, puzzle at my calendar, fumble around for todo slips of paper forget to water my poor plant (see below) .. wait.. rewind… … isn’t this a time for fresh starts ?   How many opportunities do you get like this ? A totally blank (!!!) calendar.. a clean white board.. four new shirts !  Hey.. maybe I can create an entirely new ‘me’ !…

Trouble is.. I kinda liked the old me…   I guess we’ll just have to see what this year brings for me.. and my poor potted freinds

nite all, nite sam



p. I apologize for any missing ‘s’s above.. I seemed to have been uing my laptop in the lab while machining.. the keyboard is full of metal turnings.. ouch..