Tag Archives: jet lead

Friday night – jet lead

home again, home again.. after about  20 hours of travel.. I left the hotel this morning at 5:30 AM Prague time.. and got home at 7:30 PM on the same day.. I always find a travel day like this helpful for catching up on work.. Even the three hour delay getting out of JFK was OK.. my email inbox is caught up, i wrote notes from my trip, caught up with some work thinking and even got a little sleep on the plane.. I needed it.. I think I got less than 3 hours of sleep last night after my walk and then working before going to sleep at 2 . Actually I feel pretty good.all things considered.. I have that funny jet lag feeling.. I guess. this is more ‘jet lead’.. my body thinks it’s later.. so as long as I can stay awake unitl a respectable hour (it’s almost 10PM now) I shoudl be able to get back on rythm.

Travel like this week is hard work.. but I find it so valuable. It’s so recharging for me to meet other folks in our company.. and see what they’re working on. I really enjoyed meeting all the folks from central europe.. (russia, poland, croatia, slovenia, czech republic, slovakia, bulgaria, hungary, turkie, romania, serbia) .. all such different cultures. I had so many great technical and personal talks.. I also handed out many samstones. I appreciate everyone’s help in spreading them through central Europe.

I alo really loved our host country of Czech Republic.. the folks there were so kind and helpful

right now.. all i can think about though is sleeping.. more tomorrow !

ntite all, nite sam
