Tag Archives: krackow

Thursday night Kracow

Andrej and I left the hotel this morning at 545 am..once again I was seeing beautiful Slovenia without the benefit of son..but I really love the place.    As we drove to the airport  i marveled at how close everything was around here.

the airport lounge was busy even though it was hardly 6AM.. we looked at Slovenian trinkets.. this guy is their national poet.

the irport launge offered beer for breakfast.. why not ?

checking out the local newspapers..

eeek I’m in one !

we transfered at vienna and got in the large puddle jumper for the trip to Poland.

the flight over was uneventful ( i slept).. then we got a quick cap to IBM)

hari took andre j and me to lunch…

then it was back to the lab for 6 hours of great meetings/


Andrej and I then caught a cap back to our hotel and then ventured out in search f food and adventure

first stop was the famous dragon sculpture.. a beautiful bronze of a dragon that occasionally shoots fire. it used to be in response to an sms message.. now it seems to do it on a timer. I absolutely  need to build one like this of Champ !!!!


i left a samstone on the sculpture.. just .. cuz !

then we walked downtown in search of food…. there Easter fare was getting set up in the old town village square.. It was small but still looked magical .

the town is beautiful.. just as I remember it !


ok.. I need more than 4 hours sleep tonight.. so I’m going to bed.. more tomorrow !!!

nite all. nite sam
