Tag Archives: Let go or be dragged

Satuday night – Let go or be dragged

First day of Fall !.. Satisfying day so far.. i am in great need of hands on productive work.. and I got it today.. Early (9 AM.. so.. early for me) .. I headed over to Homers to make progress on a project we really need to move forward. I love hanging out in Homer’s shop.. every tool and every material imaginable… I feel that he and I can make anything there ,. I can spend hours just reading the stuff on the walls. I was really taken by this poster on his fridge.

Homer showed me the progress he’s made on a very visible project.. these are destined to call out the name of high brow entertainment for years to come on the Flynn Theater marquis These replace the old cast aluminum letters that have all broken over the many years the theatre has been there. Think of all the acts.. all the words.. .. all the shows these new letters will call out.

Here’s a batch fresh out of the oven.. just like cookies.

Our new (.. well actually now middle aged) project is more musical. Like all thing we do.. Homer’s part is the mechanicals.. mine is the electronics.. this has lots goign on.. arduinos, Ethernet shield and touch sensors..

all in a pretty complex stack. I’m goign to do a custom PC board on this eventually

We got lots done today.. hopefully on the last run to completion.  As i was leaving Homer hit me wiht one of his.. ‘Hey John, i found this in a dump, what can we use it for.” questions.. I am posting it here so I can find this picture of the oils stained docs on the ‘type M and MQ’ transformer on Google later on. (Google indexing your blog is pretty cool !)

After Homer’s.. I spent a very satisfying several hours working with Gabe on a school project. I really enjoy working with him. .. There too.. we made very good progress.

in a n hour or so, I’m going to go meet my buddy Jared at a concert while I wait for Diane to get home from a show today. ..

I’m going to try and get an hour or so of work in now.. More tomorrow..

-nite all, nite sam
