Tag Archives: Middle seat

Friday night – middle seat

10:30 pm just got to the Nairobi airport. Hit as hell lounge full of sweaty people like me. I just found out that I have a middle seat on a packed flight to london. Im drenched with sweat, reeking of garlic from dinner, and… Believe it or not, pretty darn happy. The meetings here were absolutely fascinating. Despite the fact that I didn’t get to present the charts I slaved over . And that I hardly saw a thing outside of the hotel, I’m really glad I came The people were great and the technology was really interesting. I always wonder why I say yes to gigs like this when I’m on my way there… And always remember why on my way back.
I have some pictures fro
Today, but they will have to wait until I can get some wireless. I hope this makes it out o. My phone. In any case talk to you on the other end of this long, long flight.

Note all, nite Sam