Tag Archives: nap time

Saturday night – nap time

nice day… I spent the whole day hanging out with family .. first we went to watch Gabe  compete in the last USASA slope style snowboard event at Smugglers Notch (he came in 2nd !). The whole event was about 5 hours.. so we had lots of sitting around time. I find that when I stop moving, even for 2 minutes, I fall instantly asleep. First I fell asleep (nap 1)  as Diane and I were sitting in the woods watching some of the riders.. then I laid down in the snow.. and fell asleep again.(nap 2) .   We finished at Smuggs around 3.. .. I started to drive home.. but just made jeffersonville before I realized I was too sleepy to drive.. Diane took over and I was unconscious in about 2 min (nap3) , again.

We got home with just enough time to get home change clothes and head out to or friend Uwe’s  Feldenkreis seminar on the eyes. .. I knew I was in trouble when I learned that we’d all spend most of the two hour class lying on our backs in a dark room.. I think I slept through 45 minutes of it.. I woke up several times.. but just couldn’t stay consious. (nap 4 – actually about 3 sub-naps) . it was fun and relaxing anyway.

We got home around 8:30 and Deb had cooked a great dinner.. Misty and Randy were over and we hung out an talked to them.. at least until I fell asleep a mid sentence (nap 5) ..

Now I’m lying in bed wide awake.. How did that happen ? 🙂

nite all, nite Sam
