Tag Archives: oh snap

Monday evening – Oh snap !

A couple of weeks ago I made a pledge to myself to stop worrying.. .. about all sorts of stuff… but mostly about what I want to be when I grow up.. And.. I must admit.. <snap> it didn’t work. As much as I would try and practice  mindfulness to turn off the worrying voice.. it still would creep back in and take me somewhere <snap> or somewhen  <snap>  (why isn’t somewhen a word ?)  else.. when I should be here and now.

So.. now I have a different strategy.. it’s a little goofy I know.. but it seems to be working.. I’m wearing a rubber band on my wrist.. and when that monkey mind starts going.. I give it a vigorous snap <snap> or 2.. or generally 3.. And tell myself to let go of the worry. I’ve seen peoeple resort to mechanisms like this to give up smoking, or over eating.. <snap> .. but never worrying.. <snap>

But it <snap> seems to be working <snap, snap, snap> ..

at least a little

Nite all, nite Sam
