Tag Archives: parting the waters

Monday night – parting the waters

Hag sameach everyone. Tonight is the start of  Pesach,( Passover) .. and this year, i’m basically passing it over.  I am finding myself less and less attached to  organized religion the older I get..   I did eat some gefilte fish and matzoh which gave me some sense of attachment to the tribe..

Still Peasach is something that goes deep in my soul.. its a celebration of  reinvention .. a powerful theme in my life.. ..   We are taught to take it personally ..   exodus from Mitzrahim was something that was done for each of us.. not just for our ancestors ..

It is for the sake of this that Hashem did for me when I left Egypt. For me and not for him. If he was there he would not have been redeemed


Well. i did do something in observation.. . Like Moses, i parted the Waters / Earlier in the evening, gabe and I got a challenge from Raya and her brother Bear. It’s some sort of internet meme going round that you challenge some friends to jump in the water withing 24 hours of the your challenge.. and they can in tern challenge others.


Gabe and I were not goign to back down from a challenge.. so here we are..  deep in the bull rushes

Happy pesach everyone !

nite all, nite sam
