Tag Archives: peace

Thursday night – peace

We had a really nice day.. We had a nice family Christmas.. and hung out together all day. we never really got out of our jammies. .. the day was peaceful and slow.. we ate when we felt like it.. played, watched an old christmas movie (rudolph) .. and just goofed off. Couldn’t have been better.

As always, sam was in our thoughts. we all wrote notes to him and burned them in the fire this morning.. it made the day feel more complete.


late tonight we all actually ventured out of the house to decorate a tree in the woods as is our custom. we hope the birds and animals appreciate the food we decorated with… it was good being outside !.. it was in the mid 40’s felt like spring out there.


I hope your day was as nice as ours..and that you felt peace as we did..

nite all. nite sam
