Tag Archives: pooped

Sunday night – pooped

We had a surprise ysederday .. suddenly there was a loud buzzing sound going through our house. . it took me awhiel to find it but it turns out that it was coming from a grey box on the side of our house. one that I’d hardly ever noticed. I vaguely new it was part of our new spetic system.. but we’d never been formally introduced…


in addition to the obnoxious arm.. a yellow light on the top was blinking like crazy.. i swung it open.. to find a chaos of blinking red lights.. uh-oh



we read a bit then called the number on the side of the bos

‘Dont Panic’ the calming voice said.. “all you need to do is…  ”  and he proceeded to tell me the sewage equivalent of brain surgery..

today Diane and I attempted that brain surgery.. .


step one was to get to the top of the septic system.. that involved digging the access pro out of the frozen tundra.


we read all the warnings about poison gas, etc

then we unscrewed the cap



and revealed the failing component .. behold the arreator  


we pulled it out to find it covered with glop


ick.. mostly hair.. i think..


then we screwed it back on…



Sunday night - pooped\\


and .. miracle of miracles.. it started back up !!!! Yay

What a great DIY project.. I love our septic system !


nite all, nite sam
