Tag Archives: restored

Saturday night – restored

I finally feel restored. I’ve been more or less off work for 10 days now.. and I’m just beginning to feel human again.. When I say more of less.. most of those days I spent less than 3 hours working.. for some reason , the forced urgency of work insisted that I take this or that call…. are do this or that piece of work… Luckily, most of that even dropped away since thanksgiving.. and it’s been down to less than an hour a day to keep up with email since. … it’s amazing when you step away from it.. even partially, how silly it is to be that busy for no  apparent reason or benefit. it’s no one else s  fault.. if anyone.. we have ourselves to blame…. by accepting the artificial urgency we become part of the problem.. kicking off emails to coworkers asking for their input when they should be kicking back playing with their kids or dogs or wives or workshops or whatever.. Most folks I work with are in this same endless treadmill..

I’m grateful for the time away.. and the perspective to be able to stop and think..   I have to admit.. I haven’t done that in a while..

i kinda like it !

nite all. note sam
