Tag Archives: Sam’s Yahrzeit – Eight years

Friday night – Sam’s Yahrzeit – Eight years

Tonight marks eight years since Sam died…

I still have trouble writing sentences like that..

We always mark that day by burning a candle all day. (In my culture we call it yahrzeit..).. the bright flame cheers me up.

We miss you so much my son Your smiling face is still everywhere around us.. Your friends are still very much part of our lives.   Tomorrow we will all gather and climb the mountain and celebrate your fun and gentle spirit .

I think you’d be happy with how we are all doing..

I was just looking for some pictures to post of you and got lost in looking at them.   What a beautiful boy you are..



the last eight years has been such a strange journey.. with you and without you at the same time. I took some time tonight and looked back on each of those years. I can connect with myself at each of those days and feel exactly how i was feeling on that day..  No matter how much time passes, you do not seem any further away..

I wonder if someday I’ll look back on today and realize it was still the early in the journey

Alreight my boy.. time to sleep.. and maybe dream of you.. it still happens sometimes


i love you forever

nite all. nite sam
