Tag Archives: trivia

Thursday night – Trivia

Some days you just have to to take a break. Today was insanely busy.. and I have lots to get done before my next trip.. but I had made a plan to go meet friends for trivia night down at Nectors.. and I couldn’t really blow it off.. so I closed my laptop around 6pm and head downtown. It was a fun mix of people. My buddy Tim, my friend John from work, Marie, Brit and a whole bunch of her friends. I hadn’t been in Nectors in years.. though I first remember going there in 1978 (*gasp*). The place was packed and full of folks I knew. Unfortunately, the home team advantage didn’t work to our advantage We ended up sucking (somewhat) in trivia. we landed somewhere in the top third but it was so much fun.


Answer ‘Perrier’

After getting thrashed at trivia, I corralled the group down to Burlington Center Park to see my friends Kat and Liggy’s installation. Kat had welded these cushy looking .. but far-from-cushy living room set out of steel. It was so cozy looking.. if not feeling. Liggy had done the lighting.








Uhhhh.. this was NOT my idea.. but.. Kat is looking for interesting pictures on her pieces…


great night.. . Now it’s 11:30.. and I still have work to do.. so better get to it.

Night all, might sam