Tag Archives: valentines

Monday night – valentines day

Happy Valentines day folks.. I know, i know.. it’s more about Hallmark cards  than about true emotion..  .. but ..it’s a good time to think about love in our lives. Diane gave a great yoga class this evening centered around love.. lots of good music, lots of heart opening exercises.. During the initial meditation , Diane asked us to reflect on all the different kinds of love in our lives:

love of a child.. –  you don’t really get to choose this one

Love of a mate – here you do get to choose

Love of parents – comes very naturally

Love of siblings

Love of a pet

Love of self.. – this one isn’t always so easy.. the Buddhists call this Maitre.

Love of life

New love

Old love

Love of a favorite soldering iron (oh yes.. it’s true)

Love of being outdoors,

Love of heart shaped vegetarian meatballs and cake on heart shaped cakes like we had for dinner

I’m greatful to be surrounded by love.. hope you are as well..

nite folks, nite sam.. we are sending you love tonight..


ps. Here’s a great picture that friend Hanna took at tim and jen’s shortly after Sam died…. The wind shook the camera in just the right way.  this is for you , Sam !

pss. Brother billy was on the front page of the Houston Chronicle this morning with his latest invention.. A minimally invasive way to tie off the atrieal appendage . A perfect tribute for valentines day.