Tag Archives: vermont

FRiday night – happy birthday Vermont

I heard this evening on the Writes Almanac that today is the 220th anniversary of the funding of the sate of vermont … We became the 14th state on march 4th, 1791..   ‘March forth.!;. the only date that’s an order…   well actually ‘March first !’ . is also an order.. but I digress.

I also learned on the Writes Almanac that Vermont and New Hampshire are the least religious states in the union. Fewer than 50 percent of folks in both states say they believe in G-d.. compared to about 74% nationwide.. I heard too that Vermont voted for Republican presidents for every year from 1791 until 1992… with the exception of 1964.. but has voted for democrats in every election since 92  .. That can’t be true.. in mus be something like 1972.. How would I check that ?

I love Vermont.. I lve that ther eare no mosquitos r black flies at this point in the year.. I love that it will be 43 degrees tomorrw then 7 degrees the next morning.. what a cool and differnt place

nite all, nite sam
