Tag Archives: white friday

Friday night – white friday

Woke today to city sounds through our open window in Montreal. It was a brisk morning(in the teens).. but bright. Everything was coated with a couple of inches of snow that made even the city feel clean. We hung out with the Townsends until our parking was about to expire.. then took of south around 9:30. It had been a really nice visit..

We decided to take anew way to cross the boarder in order to miss the hoards of poeple that might be crossing to take advantage of the Black Friday sales.. Our normal crossing on i 89 can get backed up as much as an hour sometimes.. as can the one oni 87 in NY. There are two very small crossings between those large ones.. the one in Rouses Point NY can get pretty backed up.. Barry told about the one at Noyan Quebec.

THe route took us through the flat, quiet farmland of southern quebec.. we hardly saw another car as we approached the boarder…

Then we snaked back through swanton.. all in all, not shorter.. but probably faster in high traffic.


The only other thing we did today was to take a run in the bright snow.. it was cold and blustery but beautifully white.. I couldn’t shopping ona day like this… but I know many folks were.. and they were enjoying it..


ok. thats it for the day.. really enjoying the down time of this vacation

more (or less) tomorrow 🙂

nite all. nite sam
