Tuesday Night

This is pretty funny. I just started writing tonight’s posting on my Blackberry. Wouldn’t you know the server is down tonight due to a problem. I’m now at home retyping what I wrote verbatim by looking at the devices tiny screen,.. The irony is pretty good:

Written on my blackberry:

I’m at Gabe’s      
basketball practice,
so I’m going to try
to do this blog     
entry from the tiny
screen of my       
Blackberry.. or     
Crackberry as my 
friends sometimes
call it. This device 
is the symbol of   
the frenetic life I  
was living before  
Nov 21st. When I 
think back I was  
such a slave to    
this tiny tyrant.  I
was reachable     
24/7 by phone,    
email or instant   
message. My      
calendar would    
beep me for       
meetings that     
could  start as    
early a
7AM or as
late as
10PM. I   
would even find   
myself on          
work calls on      
weekends.When I
wasn’t working, the
demon’s task list  
reminded me of all
the things hanging
over my head:”the
“should have’s”, the
“got to’s”and the “oh
Staring at this      
thing now I can’t   
imagine how I let  
something this tiny
and fragile bully    
me into exhaustion
for so long. Even   
though I’m back at 
work full time, I’m 
finding that I can   
ignore the demon’s 
buzzes and beeps.  
My phone goes       
unanswered more   
often. My calendar  
isn’t overbooked.    
Most of the credit   
for that goes to      
my dear friend and  
protector Jleigh       
who is acting as     
gatekeeper and       
therapist … “         

At that point my battery failed

 I got to watch Gabe’s  basketball practice.. (He was pretty hot tonight.)  I then came home to find out that the server was down for the night, so the stuff I typed wouldn’t be getting to my computer..  In my past life, a Blackberry faiure like this would have me breaking out in  cold sweat of information withdrawal.. Tonight it was exactly what I needed… I think I’m getting the message from Sam to kick back and smell the roses.. or the gym socks as  was the case tonight.   Thanks Sam


ps. I just got pinged with a work question (from a good friend and blog reader J )  as I’m writing this at 10:30 and I asked if we could talk  about it tomorrow.. Aren’t I a slacker now ?