Tuesday night – wicked hot

Not much to report today… I spent the day in meetings with people I really like.. It’s times like this make me really glad I work for a company like IBM. There are so many different types of people, so many countries, so any interests, so many stories. Yesterday I was in a room with 90 folks from my company and I was the only American. It made me realize what it must feel like working for a predominantly US company and being from another country.. Actually.. I just heard that there are now more folks working for IBM outside of the US than in.. The world is flat.. and so is the beer here. Here are a couple of scenes from my day at work.. not too exciting.. but that’s why they call it work.

We worked until about 6 then walked over to Darling Harbor for dinner… (doesn’t that just sound cute.) I have to confess that I was not in much of a mood to socialize. I find that I often get sad around sunset.. my inclination was to go off an be by myself but I let myself be swept along with the group.. and I’m glad I did. Dinner was really nice.. Again I was surrounded by friends who have been with me at least in spirit since Sam died.. That’s been four months tomorrow.. Simply unbelievable.
I think I mentioned before that I’ve been reading a book Diane gave me called ‘True Love’ by Thich Nhat Hanh.. One of the things it’s teaching me is how to use meditation to channel some of the sadness that comes up over me .. and even some of the anger .. into love for Sam. Myself and my family.. it’s a weird kind of emotional judo.. but it’s getting me through this trip.

After dinner my friend Glenn and I took a long walk through the city back to the ferry he has to catch for home It was really great talking to him again.. we talked about our families, about Sam.. about work.. just a little.. and then more about our families.. I spent a lot of time talking about how my family I doing and how were managing to move forward.. and about the things that are so very hard for us.. There’s not much anyone can say that helps.. but it sure helps when people will listen.. and Glenn is a good listener..

Our walk took us through some parts of Sydney I hadn’t seen yet.. it is such a cool and livable city. Well.. it’s livable to look at but it was really wicked hot tonight.. as hot as a mid summer night in Burlington.. I cease to function over 70 degrees.. so I was like a wet rag by the time I got home . Here are a few more pictures I got of this wonderful city

And . here’s a map to let you know where things are around here

Ooops. It’s about 1AM and I need to get on a work call. I’m sending out love to my family, frinds and to Sam.. Gnite all