Tuesday night – the forest people

I first woke today around 6:30  just as it was starting to get light..  I lay in bed dozing for several minutes  going in and out of a really nice dream.   I had a real sense of well being and peace in the dream and didn’t want to let go of it. I had to tell people this story. As I started to become more awake I tried to find something to hang on to that I could remember… I came up with the name  the forest people… gotta remember forest people, forest people, forest people… I got out of bed and went and brushed my teeth.. forest people, forest people.. gotta remember forest people.. I went down stairs to see Diane and Gabe..  forest people, forest people can’t forget.. forest people. Finally it was bugging me so much I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down forest people . There.. I’d captured it! I new it was important and I needed to tell the story in my blog….

   OK.. that was at 6:30 this morning.. Now it’s 9 at night and this is what I remember of this story that seemed so important to me this morning.  there were a bunch of  very nice people  all wearing  plaid shirts and pants  floating around on big plastic mushrooms in the basement of a big building..  They were all being chased by people on backhoes.. but the backhoes wouldn’t fit into the basement so everyone felt safe. So all the people had to do was bob around on their floating mushrooms and wave at each other all day. . Isn’t that bizzare  Why forest peopleDoes anyone out there do dream analysis ? Isn’t it strange what seems so important to you when you’re asleep ? I think my brain is broken.

     Well my real day was considerably less surreal than my dream. I took Gabe to school then worked at home till mid morning then went into work. It was raining/misting this morning and the snow is melting quickly.. We still have as much as a foot in some places of the yard… but there are bare spots showing all around. The melting snow reveals all sorts of things that had been covered up… tools, sleds… and if you’re a dog owner…… Let’s don’t go there..     With all this snow still on the ground It’s hard imagining that 5 days ago I was in 80 degree weather in Sydney..   I can see spring on the way, though. Check it out !


I got home just before six in time to catch Chai red-pawed napping on one of the couches upstairs… Chai.. you have some ‘splaining to do  !


I wandered around until I found some people..  Four of Sam’s old band  buddies were practicing in the barn. Around 7 they all came in and joined us for dinner. Dinner conversation consisted mostly of them comparing mostly homemade piercings..  We were treated to a cell phone video of our friend Brad putting a safety pin through his lip in our upstairs bathroom.. a few hours ago I was going to post the video.. but after watching it once I decided I’d spare you  (ewwwwww) .


Sam’s friend Pucket was here from Sam’s old band Black Night Vengance. They just finished recording some songs which they’re dedicating to Sam..    You can check out 4 of the cuts here..  They sound great.. Sam .. you’d be proud !


ps. watch out for the backhoes !