Thursday evening – dog days

    Chai and I are sitting in the house panting. I don’t function over 70 degrees…It’s 93 outside and it must be 90 inside here. Ugh… I wanted to make a very short post before  I start the drive down to the Cape. Diane and Gabe are with Jen’s family down in South (East ?, West?) Chatham and I’m meeting up with them tonight. We’ll meet up wiht my sister and her family and my folks down on the Cape on Sat. I’m not sure if I’ll havei internet along the way.. so if not.. this is it for today… Somehow the thought of spending the next 5 hours in an air conditioned car doesn’t sound too bad.  I’ll be driving until about 11.. if you’re bored and you see this.. gimme a call at 802-578-0985 and just say ‘hi’.   More later (or maybe tomorrow) Stay cool ya’ll.
