Thursday night – days of awe

L’shana Tova again. Today was the first full day of the 10 days of Awe.. the period which begins with the New Year celebration of Rosh Hashanah and ends with Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.  Folks are supposed to use these 10 days to reflect on their lives.. learn from past mistakes, apologize to anyone they have wronged in the past year and set intentions for the coming year.  My friend Jake sent an interesting podcast on this period if you’d like to learn more.

Today Jews across the world are supposed to hear the blast  of the Shofar… a ram’s horn which is blown like a trumpet.

Hearing it is supposed to be a mitzvah …. Like a cross between a good deed and good luck.  Take a listen and get some  free good luck  

Most Jews spent today in shul (a synagogue) somewhere.. I spent today in an IBM meeting in DC. I did go to shul last night and I  was among good friends today . so it felt OK. I was able to catch an earlier flight home which was nice. I got home around 7:30 and spent a really nice night with my family One of the things we did was to smudge the house by passing a burning clump of sage  around the perimeters of ach room. It’s a very fragrant smoke. In many cultures it’s used to cleans and purifies the air.. and center  the space.   It was a nice ritual for our house.   And a nice mix with all the other spiritual energy in the air today.

I felt very calm this evening.. even Diane commented on it. I think the last days of being out in the world again.. among friends.. was very healing.  It’s a good thing to notice.. Over the last few weeks my inclination has been to withdraw from the world, In doing that, I’ve  probably been separating myself from one of the most important healing powers in my life.   Another good thing to think about in these days of Awe…


le’hitra’ot  .. (‘see you later’ in Hebrew)


love you all.. love you Sam




ps. Here’s an interesting factoid..   by midnight of last night there had been exactly 79,999 readings of this blog since I started keeping it.


thanks for the card Hannah !

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