Tuesday evening – Happy New Year

    I’m  too sleepy to write today.. I’ve only had 3 hours sleep since last year. Still, I’d like to take a second to wish you all a good new year..  This has been the toughest year of our lives.. It’s been an amazing one too. We all grown so much and seen our friends grow too.  I am starting this year still deeply sad, yet stronger, more at peace and more purposeful than I’ve ever felt before. I’d like to   thank the many, many people who have cared for our family and help us keep Sam’s spirit alive in the world.

 I know better now  than to wish for anything specific in this year. I’ve seen how the future is rarely like our expectation.  I can, still hope that it’s a year of peace and spiritual growth  for all our friends, family and communities.

Thanks you all so much..  and thank you Sam, for helping us to be strong.


ps. Here’s a version of Auld Lang Syne that I really love.. it’s supposedly the original Robert Burns melody. I probably posted this last year.. but here it is again