thursday night – not forgetting

Ok… No pictures tonight. I’m blogging from the bathtub on my blackberry. I’ve had a long day and need to relax. I hope this thing is waterproof.
My theme today is forgetting…. Or not. I’ve found myself getting increasingly forgetful as the pace of my life begins to accelerate again. This morning, for instance, I almost forgot to run because I started working on my laptop. When I remmbered, I only had 20 minutes before my next meeting. I grabbed my cell phone and Chai and headed out. I couldn’t figure out why I couldnt see… Then I remembered I was still wearing my reading glasses.I dialed up my conference call on my run and almost forgot to put my phone on mute. I came home and almost forgot that I was due at Champlain at 11. I took a 30 second shower then hopped in the car. I forgot my ibm badge.
The whole day kept in that vein. So many things I’d forgotten to do, say, bring or think. Late afternoon diane called me to tell me that we’d both foegotten to bring in the pump from the pool. It had frozen and exploded ….oooops.lots of dumb stuff. No real consequence.. Kinda funny when you think of it.
All this stuff came back to me a half hor or so ago wheb I talked to my friend larry on the phone. He’d called a few days back to tell me he had dreampt of Sam. In the dream, Sam said “tell my dad that its ok to let go a little”. The funny thing is that I’ve been worrying/thinking about some of the Sam ritules I’ve been doing for the past I always touch his pictues.? Do I always touch the Sam rock ? Do I always have on my Sam pin. I think the message from larry is basically reasuring me that the rituals are not what keeps sam in my heart. He’s there forever. That’s the way I rewad it whether its the view of a concerned friend or a message from another world. I’m not forgeting you, sam… There”s no way in the world.

Ok enough of this tiny cellphone keybaord. More tomorrow

G’nite all g’nite Sam