Sunday night – Late arrival

    I apologize but It’s 2:15 AM and I just got to my hotel. I drove down to Armonk, NY tonight for a meeting tomorrow.. I decided to take a 2 hour detour to go deliver a hug and some cookies to Max down in NYC.. It was really nice to see him. I’ve got a bunch of pictures and stories from that as well as other stuff today.. but I really need to get to sleep now. The one thing I will say now is that I was listening to a book on tape on the way down, Echkhardt Tolle’s “A New Earth”. I’m about half way through. and I really like it. It’s a very powerful message about how consciousness is evolving . Diane turned me on to it.. Evidently there’s going to be a 10 week online course sponsored by Tolle and Oprah Winfrey about the central messages of the book.  I understand that there are over 500,000 folks signed up for it. .. which I believe will make it one of the biggest interactive online events ever held. I  know it sounds weird , but based on what I heard of the message so far, I think it’s worth checking out..  You can check out the registration here. If that’s too much… check out the book..
OK… gotta sleep now… Love you all.. love you Sam

ps. We still haven’t settled on a name for the puppy..She and Chai are now coexisting in the same room.. which is progress 🙂