Sunday night – Falling awake

Very quiet and uneventful day.. The alarm on my phone went off… accidentally .. at 6:30 this morning. I sleepily dug it out of my jeans and shut it off.. I was determined to get a bit more sleep… I fell back into a light sleep where I dreamed
all sorts of very vivid and realistic dreams.. they were mostly work related.. though family came and went through them. I get occasionally views of Sam in these dreams.. I like seeing him there..  All of a sudden I realized that I was about to wake up.. I tried hard to stay asleep.. but couldn’t resist the 9:30 AM light that was pouring into the room.. I opened my eyes with the last bits of the dreams falling away.. the only part I remember was the phrase “falling awake”… I like the sound of it.. My dreams are often more ‘normal’ now than my waking hours.  
    Jessie called today to tell of of seeing Sam in a dream.. she said he looked happy and well.. He smiled and waved (and then she got reincarnated as batman… but so it goes) .. Let us know if any of you see Sam in your dreams.. If you do, tell him we said ‘hi’.. and we love him ..

     Lesseee.. what did  happen today.. not much.. I did go up to Tim and Wendy’s to see if I could coax their treaddmill back to life..

It did look a little peeked. I poked around in there for a few minutes with my voltmeter.. and voila !.. I found the problem..   The safety switch had broken off inside.

Here’s Wendy stylishly modeling the offending switch.

A bit of cutting and soldering later.. the thing was up and running. As Tim and I closed up the patient, Wendy called us upstairs to see something strange.. Their pet cat had gotten into the terrarium with their pet iguana.. (or bearded lizard.. I forget)   They said the cat frequently gets in there  and sits peacefully.. pretty interesting combo.. dontcha think ?

I came down the hill and worked around the house for a bit, worked on my paper for awhile.. then started procrastinating.. Diane and I decided to take the dogs on a hike.. we took them up to the cliffs behind the Safford preserve.. It was beautiful up there.. You can see all the trees below the cliffs ready to spring into full foliage.. We saw our first black flies of rhe season up tehre too.. it’s definitely spring..

On the hike back we ran into Gary and the twins.. they’d been kind enough to let us park our car there during our hike.

And.. believe it or not… that was the sum total of my day.. Sometimes its nice to have a down day.. this week may be crazy.. but at least  I’m well rested.. Time for sleep now.. gnite all.. Gnite Sam !