Thursday night – Max’s nest

Diane woke us at 5AM to get on the road down to NYC. Our mission today was to drop Max off at his new apartment in Brooklyn. We managed to get out of the house by 6.. which beat our goal.. I was pretty sleepy, though..

The drive down was really easy.. Diane began the drive while Max and I slept…. then I took over in Connecticut. Our satellite wasn’t workig.. so we passed the time talking like they used to do.. and checking out passing bumper stickers like these !

We had to stop from 11-12 to allow me to give a presentation by phone. It was a talk to a fairly large group of people.. We parked in a Barnes and Noble parking lot in Stamford. I made the call in the car while Diane and Max wandered around the strip malls. The talk was pretty high level and light hearted .. it works great in person.. but I don’t think it went over that well by phone..

We got to NYC around 1…. we could tell that Max was feeling good about being ‘home’

We pulled into Brooklyn and drove down to Max’s new apartment.. It’s in a funky cool neighborhood about 10 minutes walk from the Pratt Campus.. There are lots of small shops and restaurants.

At last we were at the door.

Diane added Max’s name to the mailbox.

And up we went. It’s a GREAT place.. recently renovated and bright.. Here’s Max’s room

Here’s a quick visual tour.. Her’s the hall.

The bathroom

The brand new kitchen

Ewwwwwww !

The living room

And Frylock guards the front door.

There’s even roof accesds that they can use… !

We got Max all set there then walked back to campus.. then to teh Red Bamboo.. Max and my favorite veggie resturant..

It’s a great, funky and varied neigborhood.. every ethnic.. every type of resturant.. every language !

Red Bamboo was amazing..

We got back to the apartemnt.. hugged max… then off Diane and I went . I feel good about Mmaxs living situation.. I/’m so proud of the guy he is !.

We got to Ruchir and Rashi’s about 8PM.. My good friend Wolfgang was also visting there.. Rashis’ parents are also still in town.. So we all had a great dinner. (Sorry.. I forgot to take a picture !!!!) .. As always it was great seeing Ruchir, Rashi and their kids. It was also great catching up with Wolfgang.. and with Rashi’s folks.. they head out day after tomorrow.
One thing that came up during our much varied dinner time conversation was the nature of fruits and vegatables.. Wikipedia solved the big debate: yes.. Okra is a Fruit !!!!!

After dinner Diane played with Isha and Anika.. Ruchir, Wolfgang and I talked about work..

It’s been a long day.. but a good one. Time to sleep now.. we have another long drive home in the morning.. Good night everyon.e. Goodnight Sam !

ps. This video has been circulating on Youtube.. I thinkk it’s cute.. and appropriate when I think of dropping my kid of at school