Saturday midday – duck brook
I thought about that story all day… soemthing about it resonated.. soemthing about it didn’t..
Tim cooked .. we ate
Right now. me and my plate are really tired.. I keep falling asleep as I write. I’m goign to try this sleep thing one more time. Gnite everyone.. G’note Gabe
I’m even liking my work quite a bit now.. I’m trying hard not to bring it home with me.. but it’s getting harder to do.. I find myself leaving work when the parking lots like this.. (That’s my prius out there alone)..
2 days ago I got a survey where they were askeing each oft he execs on site to answer questions about work life balance.. It was fun filling it out (I love surveys) .. It was also good thinkign about the ‘balance’ I have now. One of the questions was ‘how many hours do you work a week’. I did soem quick accounting and realized that I’m now down to 55 hours per week.. that’s down from more than 70(counting working at home) where I was before Sam’s passing. That’s pretty cool.. it think. The problem is that I’ve said ‘yes’ to so many cool things inside and outside of work that those 55 hours are not leaving me enough time for …. goofing around.. hangining out, just doing nothing…. or thinking
TANyo make matters more complicated, Max and I just decided that we are goign to Burning man at the end of the month.. We bought our plane and event tickets last night.. Now… why in the world would I take on a major trip like that when I’m already so busy…. on the other hand.. how could I say ‘no’ to going to burning man with my son…
Not sure how to change this… but I need to get it back to sanity.. I went to Marci today.. one of the things we talked about was maybe its just about changing my attitude.. instead of focusing that I have too much to do.. focus that I’m doing so much fun stuff…
I wish it were that easy to shift my perspective……
Ps. It’s now 3:30 in the morning. I’m lying in bed wide awake. Too much on my mind to sleep. This is nuts