Tuesday night – debate

Just got home from a night working at Homer’s.  It’s past 1Am and too late for me to stay up and post pictures. I came home to find Diane still awake and painting !. We’ve (that’s the royal we’ve) changed the grey color one more time and it looks good. That was a ton of work she did tonight…

It’s been a good evening.. it started with Gabe’s soccer game at 5. He scored 3 goals.. he tells me that’s called a ‘hat trick’. wonder why ? Three corner hats ?   Then we came home for a good quick dinner. Diane had made a cake in honor of her mom Marcia’s birthday (Happy Birthday Marcia !).. Then I was off to Homer’s we are mostly finished with the creature.. but there about 100 small finish up things before we ‘dress’ him and ship him to the forest. Tonight we spent the time finishing up all of the electrical stuff associated with the creatures mouth and eyes.   We were listening to the debate with the  creature’s mike turned on.. so I have some movies of both Barack Obama and John McCain’s voice driving the robot. pretty funny !

It was wird hearign the candidates speakign about the finacial crisis .. I’ve really been so unplugged from the news  and other media, movies, books, erverythign since Sam died..   I had no idea until tonight what was happenng in the markets. .. and frabkly, I have trouble carring about it.. the bottom fell out two years ago forr us.. this doesn’t even register…

What does register is my need for sleep.. More tomorrow. Gnite for now folks.. nite Sam