Wednesday night – fried

     It’s almost 11:30 and I still haven’t gotten time to work on my paper tonight.. We had our kick off meeting for next years Burning Man vehicle tonight at Ben’s.. then I had to listen to the debates. It’s late now, so I gotta make this brief. It’s been an absolutely insane week for me and for the world. I guess. This is one of those convergence times when everything seems to be happening at once. So. what’s on my plate for the next 2 days ?

  • multiple crises at work.. some brought on by the global economic crisis.. others just normal planned crisis.. all with deadlines either this week or next.. As always.. I won’t describe them here.. but work is absolutely insane right now
  • my ISSCC paper due on friday..
  • the Projext-X pumpkin guy has to be inslalled at the Haunted Forest on Friday. We’re still working out the kinks in the Wiimote numchuck joystick interfaces that move his arms.
  • the spirometer video game interface I’m doing for UVM medical school and Champlain College is due tomorrow. This si the the thing that will allow kids with resperatory illnesses like Cystic Fybrosis to have more fun while doing their breathing exerciese.. by controlling a video game with their breathing.
  • I’m leading a UVM CS department board of advisors meeting tomorrow
  • Gabe’s last soccer game is tomorrow

It seems I’m forgetting soem stuff on top of all this.. but it’s really not all bad. In fact much of this stuff is really, really fun.. 

  • As big a pain it is to write, I’m really enjoying doign the research for the ISSCC paper…. it’s on the topic of technical education outreach.. which is near to my heart.
  • The project-x pumpkin guy really looks and is working great.. it’s ben so gret workign with Homer, Sara, Becca, Jana, Seth, Berndan Cesar anfd the rest. I can’t beleicve how well this thing came out (so far).. Let’s hope it stays OK for the show !
  • I deleiveerd the working C++ code for the spirometer interface to Prof Joe at Champlain today.. I think h’s all set for Peter B’s demo .. I like workign on aproject like this that may help people. 

When it rains. it pours..  they say…  pour me 🙂

OK..   back to the @$% paper.. Sleep well folks.. Nite Sam