Thursday night – Yom Kippur

Today was the most important day in the Jewish calendar.. Yom Kippur.. The day you’re to atone for all the bad things you did in the last being  mean to people. not workign hard enough, disrespecting freinds and family . And I didn’t…   I mean.. I didn’t atone much.. I certainly did my share of  bad stuff last year.. In fact.. I’ve been quite a grouch all year.. but.. htats part of the process I guess.

I woke this morning with good intentions of goign to services soemwhere.. but jsut couldn’t make myself do it.. Soemhow the ‘organized’ part of organized religion just isn’t feelig right to me now. I did fast for 24 hours as I have every Yom Kippur since I was a kid.. that felt good.. its almost liek biening a vegan.. I feel like I’m always fasting 🙂

I also stayed home to think.. I took Dianes mornign yoga class. then we took a short walk up the Catamoutn trail.. It was really beutiful

We followed an old tone wall in the woods and tlked about the people who built it.. Wo were they.. What were they doing up here ? Was the land all cleared ?

I gcame home and worked quietly.. I tried to make progress on a paper I’m writing.. but got nowhere.. then around 2:15 Homer called to tell me that a local TV station (WCAX) was coming over to doa short peice on the Project-X mosnter. I was conflicted a little.. should I sytay here and

  1. Contemplate for Yom Kippur
  2. Work on my $&ing paper
  3. Drive 25 miles for 5 minutes of fame with our animated and very tall robotic freind

I asked myself.. “what would Sam want me to do” ??? I was in the car driving to Homer’s in minutes.

Here I am not writing my $&ing paper on the way to Homers.

Homer and Michael had rolled the beast outside which was great.. he could stand all the way up.. he’s really quite big

We gave a quick demo for the TV guys Jack and Lance..

I understand that it was on TV tonight..  But.. we don’t have a TV that’s hooked up to the outside world.. If anyone saw it.. please let me know.. There’s a text article on their website..

We finished the day by all going to see the Bill Maher documentary Religulous  . It was really pretty interesting.. I’m not a tv guy.. so I’v never seen Maher… but this was a pretty compelling roast of all organized religion. It was a little mean spirited in places.. but he got his point across. It was the perfect end to a religious holiday .. Diane and Gabe liked it too !

One small irony was that there was a scene in the movie  of a man blowing a shofar.. a rams horn. Jews are supposed ot hear the shofar at the end of Yom Kippur services.. So I got lucky !

Okay my friends.. I’m goign to go work on my paper for a bit.. A good new year to you all…
Love you Sam

Wednesday night – erev yom kippur

Hi all. tonight is the star of Yom Kippur.. erev Yom Kippur.. the end of the jewish new year and the strat  of the yom kippur fast.  and day of atonement.. It’s the days where jews go around and figure out how they’re going to atone for their sins through the pervious year. You’re supposed to apologzie to anyone you may have wronged during the year.. so . if I pissed any of you off.. and you didn’t deserve it… then.. I’m sorry.. If you did deserve it.. I’m still sorry 🙂

. I’m home in bed sick… ugh.. I think I may have what Gabe had.. whcih we think was Coxhaxie virus… I’ll know better tomorrow…  Right now it’s about 8:30 and I am lying in bed trying to stay awake.

I still ahve a few pictured from last night.. .. which began with a beautiful late afternoon soccer game at CHMS..

I ran into Brianna H.. playing field hockey. I’ll always remember a conversation she and I had where she told me she wanted to be a scientist (Marne biologist) .. but said she couldn’t cuz she wasnt good at math… I hoped I talked her through that.. she’s a good kid.. and would make a good scientist.

We got home just at dark and it was about t dip below freezing. Diane went out and made what must have been the last harvest of the year.. she rescues all of my hot peppers and the rest of the eggplants.

She’d made a cake in honor of her mom’s birthday.. so wedug into it and sang Happy Birthday Marcia.. (Hope she sent you a piece Marcia !)

Right after dinner I headed to Homers to work on the hundered s of small remaining details in project-x

Seth and I were workign on the head to finish integrating all the elctronics.. we had the debate on.. so the creature was doing a fine time of lip-snching John McCain.. This looks ready for YouTube, no ?


I didn’t get home until 1:O0.. and boy was I tired..

Today was interesting.. There was more  churn from the financial crisis .. again.. that stuff is so mcuh in a differnt world for us.. the churn it was causing me at work actually became a bit surreal.. and from that it actually became a little bit fun in an absurd way. That was a much more fun way to view the situation.

Listen folks.. its’s only money. in the ned it dwosn’t matter much.. I called DIane midday to talk about soem of the weird stuff that was going on.. and we both came up with the interesting perspective that in soem ways.. a crisis like ths is an opportunity for change, learning  and surprise.. Call me an anarchist.. but I think this financial slide is going to be fun in a scary sort of way..

Speakign of slide.. I’m sliding out of conciousness.. .. so more tomorrow..
Nite folks.. love you Sam

Today was interest

Tuesday night – debate

Just got home from a night working at Homer’s.  It’s past 1Am and too late for me to stay up and post pictures. I came home to find Diane still awake and painting !. We’ve (that’s the royal we’ve) changed the grey color one more time and it looks good. That was a ton of work she did tonight…

It’s been a good evening.. it started with Gabe’s soccer game at 5. He scored 3 goals.. he tells me that’s called a ‘hat trick’. wonder why ? Three corner hats ?   Then we came home for a good quick dinner. Diane had made a cake in honor of her mom Marcia’s birthday (Happy Birthday Marcia !).. Then I was off to Homer’s we are mostly finished with the creature.. but there about 100 small finish up things before we ‘dress’ him and ship him to the forest. Tonight we spent the time finishing up all of the electrical stuff associated with the creatures mouth and eyes.   We were listening to the debate with the  creature’s mike turned on.. so I have some movies of both Barack Obama and John McCain’s voice driving the robot. pretty funny !

It was wird hearign the candidates speakign about the finacial crisis .. I’ve really been so unplugged from the news  and other media, movies, books, erverythign since Sam died..   I had no idea until tonight what was happenng in the markets. .. and frabkly, I have trouble carring about it.. the bottom fell out two years ago forr us.. this doesn’t even register…

What does register is my need for sleep.. More tomorrow. Gnite for now folks.. nite Sam

Sunday night – fall colors

I spent another full day with a paint brush in my hand staring at the wall. I’m really glad we’re doing this.. though the change in surroundings is hard for me.. Change like that always is..

Here are the fall colors I took in today   .. wall


Chimney …


Ceiling …

Well.. we actually did get out of the house briefly at 5.. We went all the way up the catamount trail with the dogs.. It was a perfect fall day walk..  steep, colorful .. great spicy smell of leaves. It’s almost peak foliage out there.

We came across one of the Samstones we’d left long ago.. It’s always nice finding these small reminders ..

We came across this weird/spooky tent someone had made in the woods out of old blankets. and burlap sacks. . it looked a little ‘blair witch’ for us.. but it was empty..   (does it look like it’s smiling to you ? )

Well.. one goal of mine was to try and finish a draft of the paper I’m writing  this weekend.. No luck there.. I barely got any time on it this weekend. I thnk I’ll go work on it now.. Wish me luck …  Hoep this week is sane..

Nite folks.. nite sam