Monday night – daylight savings

Another  mercifully slow day… I spent a good part of it staring at the wall at work. Just couldn’t get moving.   Tomorrow should be more exciting. My intention is to use this tough month to spend time getting centered and thinking about where I should be putting my energy. This time last year I was pretty clear on what I wanted.. and didn’t want in my life..The last few months I’ve gotten so busy that I’ve stopped thinking about what I want to do..   Now’s a good time to get back in touch with that..

Since I don’t have anything new to report for the day. let me share something interesting I saw at a lecture the other day  . I’m going to give you a link to a video.   The player for the video is at the bottom of the link. The video shows a bunch of folks throwing a basketball round. Sometimes they use chest passes.. eg. the ball never hits the ground… and sometime they use bounce passes.. eg. the ball hits the ground at least once. Watch the video, and as you do, do your best to count how many bounce passes you see. Don’t count the chest passes.. Here’s the video

Now.. how many bounce passes did you see ? 26 ? 32 ? ….Now.. did you see the woman in the gorilla suit ? If not.. go back and watch it again.. It’s a pretty cool perception test that shos how our minds can miss obvious things when we’re trying to pay attention to soemthign else. Like going to bed…

Nite all.. Nite Sam