Tuesday night – new years eve eve

Looks like a very quiet end of the year… Max and a bunch of his friends took off this morning  to celebrate New Years in NYC at his apartment..   It will be the first time we’re not all together as a family.. well.. of course that’s not true.. it will be our 3rd new year since Sam’s passing.. We still look for ways to bring Sam into our observances.  Max is taking a little of Sam’s ashes down to NY with him.. that what’s in the bag he’s holding in this picture.  Our world is so surreal now..

Speaking of surreal / I hope folks got a chance to see the new cresent moon and Jupiter together in the Western sky.. it was beutiful.. The picture they made has special significance to me .. I treminds me of an image that came to me during hypnosis (see blog entry for feb 20, 2007)

Not much happened during the middle of the day.. I spent most of the time workign on my ISSCC presentation.. with a short time out to do a Reiki session with Marci.  That was very regenerating. It made me realize thta i’d hit that magic spot in my vacation that myt mind was truly empty… I was not thinking about work.. or things I needed or wanted to do. I was at that perfect place between boredom and inspiration that allows for any possibility. I feel more positive and motivated than I’ve felt for a good long while. I think it’s time that I start thinkign about some bigger life intention again.. but.. at the same time I don’t want to move out of the present moment awareness I’ve gotten too.. another balance…

I’m ready for a new year

Tonight we spent a few nice hours at our friends Gina and Bills.. It was their 19th anniversary. Ann and Keith were theere as well as  Bill and Gina’s freinds Ben and Clari from Boston.  We ate cheese fnue and told funny stories about weddings, camping, disucssed the burton playboy snowboard ‘scandal’ talked about books and ate like kings.. It wsa a great night///

After dinner I went to Kristin’s to pick up Gabe.. When I walked in her house she said.. “are oyu ready for this ?!” and pulled gabe out from behind a door. She’d straightened his hair !  (And he’d let her !).. It lookde so cool. he looked like a completely diffrent person..

Well.. I gotta get my beuty rest now… TOmorrow’s new years eve… gotta think of soem resolutions.. or maybe I won’t do that this year.. gotta think.. ttyl
Nite folks.. Nite Sam