Tom’s license plate struck me as really special now.. nothing makes you more of a mom or dad than surviving the passing of a child.. It defines you

I spent the day organizing all the things I need to get done this month. My new assignment has all of it’s deliverables falling within the next six weeks. My main project right now is a multimedia package that will show kids some of the cool science behind the video games they love.. I’m hoping that this will increase their interest in careers in science, technology, engineering and math. (what do you all think about that ? ) I’m working with my friends at Champlain college on the multimedia part.. and I’m loving it. I’m learning so many cool things.from them.. And I’m enjoying experimenting on my own.. Like these poor attempts at creating a talking avatar of myself (see http://www.gizmoz.com)
Ahh.. I figured out how to get my own voice in there..
Coincidentally, my friend Seth, a high school kid in South Hero .. contacted me about collaborating on some sort of science projects… Turns out he’s a whiz on Blender, one of the graphics programs I’m trying (unsuccessfully) to master. He quickly put together the following animation to explain the quarter crushing experiment I blogged about on Dec 27
Tonight was fun.. Eric is back from Switzerland and came over for dinner. It’s always good to have him here.
