Friday night – balance

Last night I started noticing that I was returnig to some mndless habits I had before my advventure at the colony.. nothing major.. just mindless actions.. I didn’t make time to run in the morning. I found myself eating through the night.. I had a couple glasses of wine .. I made a few phone calls I spent an hour on the computer… I checked my phoen messages while I was talking to Diane.  Again.. nothing major.. but they were all habits that I’d managed to break during my stay away.
  THis morning I woke up with the best of intentions … I was planning on running… but I couldn’t resist checkign my email.. I lopened my laptop.. but for some reason.. I couldn’t connect.. I then tried to check my blackberry to check my messages and emails.. For some reason my phone wasn’t working.. Then the dogs came in an basically dragged me out for a run.. As I was heading outside to run I saw our box of Angel Cards.. They’re a deck of cards weach with a word that you use to meditate on. I figured I’d grab a card on the way out.. The card i grabbed was ‘Balance’ . Everything  felt like the universe was trying to help me remember to stay centered..

I thought about that for the rest of the day..

Speaking of balance..  Check this cake out.  I had a late mentoring meeting at Mexicali . My freind Erin works there and asked me to borrow my camera.. They were having a going away party for one of the guys who worked there and she wanted a picture of the cake.. Check this out (Erin.. The full res picture is in my photobucket)..

The rest of the day was pretty quiet.. After work I went home and helped diane in the garden which was pretty peaceful.. even though my hands kept twitching for my cell phone.. it wasn’t working again  whcih was good.

Gabe called because he needed a ride. I went down to pick him up at the park and got to check out the new ferry boat that’s runnoing while the bridge is out. Check this out !

The evening was peaceful… The Atwoods came by to talk about the new spetic system they’re putting in for us the week after next.. Now that’s pretty exciting !!!!

Right now we’re siting in Sam’s room watching a wierd movie.. Juast as we turned the lights of Gabe found a glass of many month old kool-aid.. Yummmmm

OK.. I just realized I’m doing it again.. I’m typing while hanign out wiht my family.. When am I goign to learn ? 🙂
Gotta go now. Gnite all. Gnite Sam