Sunday night – 4vryung

Interesting day.. Started out by cleaning the whole front entrance way..   I carried all the skis, snowboards, sleds and woodstove stuff up to the attic..   at least 20 times up and down the three floors of stairs for a nice mornign work out..    I figure now tat I have the winter stuff up and out of the way it has my permission to finally really be summer.. It’s probably in the 50’s here again tonight.. it seems like real summer weather still isn’t on the horizon. (no complain from me.. it never needs to be abouve 60 to make me happy) .

The cool weather is having all sorts of wierd effects on people. For example,  Gabe woke up sporting a great new sheriff style mustache.. that boy is growing incredibly quickly.

We had soem great visitors in for breakfast.. first up was y freind Paul Z. who’s in VT visiting his daughter and grandaaughters. Paul used to be the ringleader at bread and puppet .. then was on TV for several years as Beekam.. the crazy scientist in Beekman’s world, the scince show we loves so much when our kids were young. Paul is now workign on a new show abotu the brain. I’m lookign for ways that we can collaborate.. He’s such an amazingly smart and funny guy.. A little later on , friends Larry and leah showed up.. also smart and funny.. the 5 of us all sat aroudn and brainstormed abotu Paul’s brain idea. It was really fun and thoughtprovoiking. I think we cae up wiht soem cool things to work on together !.

Later on in the afternoon, Larry. Leah, Diane, Gabe, Will and I headed downtown just to hang out.. we did a little shopping, a little exploring, a little swinging a little eating.. and a lot of great talking.. We love having them up to visit..

around 9 we said good bye ot Larry and Leah and headed home. As we walked through the parkign garage I noticed this license plate.. which reminded me of Sam.. It’s funny.. soemthing told me that I had to go bakc and take a look and snap this picture..

We then got in our car and drove down to overlook park to pick up Gabe and Will.. they wanted to show us a cool tree house thtat they’d discovered in the park.. Check out the name.. Isn’t that strange and cool ? !

Gabe took us over and showed us the SamStone he’d wedged into the roof of the treehouse.. a great place for a stone.. !

forever young… guess so.. we love you sam.. nite all !