Wednesday night – old man

It’s always funny the day after a colony episode.. I end up reading through the blogs to see how folks liked the show.. It’s cool seeign what folks think.. what they liked and what they didn’t like. While  I’m looking,m it’s impossible not to see what they think of us.. most of it is great.. but sometimes.. it’s stuff you reallllllly don’t want to see.. Honestly, I like the way I come across on the show.. in fact.. it reminds me exactly of me..  I get a bunch of good feedback…. but I get soem funny stuff too.. One freind said that I should be a rabbi.. several called me ‘naked santa’ ..  one guy said that I loked older than vlad (which I do)k  one person thought that we were all professional actors.. and that I was really John Williams.. the composer… pretending to be an engineer..  For the record… Mr Williams.. is 20 years older than I am…. and fabulously wealthy after writing the score for Star wars and other great movies

 I guess this all comes with the territory.. I didn’t really think out what it would be like to be so.. so what.. so .. public.. 

Anyway.. I’m trying not to let the show creep into my skull during most days.. today was pretty normal for the most part.. I had pohone meetings from 8AM until 6PM .. (as usual..) then we headed to David’s for a night of Burning man building. The project is coming along great.. yet there’s soooo much more to do..   The giant wheels are both finished…

now we’re working to assemble the giant ‘clockwork’ at the heart of the machine. It’s really come together nicely thanks to the hard work today of homer, chirs , ben, jerry, bill and david

We now have all of the hydraulics in hand too. here’s one of the tiny but powerful motors that Steve pulled out of a small backhoe.. they will power the giant wheels and the carosel

we spent the rest of the evening specing out the parts we still needed david to cut on the water jet..   and all the electronic parts that seth, carly and I need to finish the lights and sound.

We had one cool science moment this eveing..Young Seth showed us how ot use a simple DVD to look at the light spectrum off of the lights in the room. David had purchased some high end LED ligfhts he hoped to use for hydroponic gardening.. We used Seth’s trick to look at the spectrum of the LED’s vs. the light coming form the fluorescent lamps..
Here are the fluorescents.. their phosphors give a pretty even spectrum.. as you can see in this smooth rainbow.

The LED turned out to be pretty broad spectrum too.. but as you see.. it has more discreet color components..   Not sure what that means to the plants.. but it’s sure pretty !

Speaking of pretty.. we  got to what the moon rise as we walked out to go home..

ahhhh.. I’m home now.. and sleepy.. so I’ll sign off for the day.. Hope all of you are well. night folks..  Nite Sam