Saturday night – before and after

Today was blissfully quiet.. just what I was looking for after the last few hectic weeks. Diane Gab and I barely moved outside of the 30 foot circle of our living room all day. My biggest accomplishment fo rthe day ? … taking an hour nap !..   Well.. actually.. I did accomplish two additional things I’d wanted to do for weeks.. First, I managed to clean up my Lab.. it had been pretty much destroyed while I was working on the lighting for the timecycle project. . Here’s a before shot..

And here’s an after shot.. this is the way I imagine keeping it in my head.. it usually stays like this for only 20 minutes or so.. but they are 20 happy minutes. .. As they say.. a full disk is a sign of a full mind.. and empty desk is a sign of an empty mind.

Cleaning the lab was such an existential pleasure that I couldn’t stop Next I attacked.. (DUH-DUH-DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH)  my sock draers.. They were .. (and are) quite a mess.. In there I found all sorts of things.. sentimental and other wise.. magic tricks, lock picks, dictionaries old prescriptions, 2 missing ipods,  tos of forign coins and bills, a huge basked of audio cables, memory simms, bluetooth adapters, international wall plugs. old business cards, 5 year old gum, 6 lasers, 3 spinning tops, a remote control  toy tank, 6 homemade knives (from Sam).. letters from my great, great uncle in German, 2 clothespins, candy cigars, a yarmulke, several watches.. etc.. t was cathartic to clean it out..

now my sock drawer has socks !

Just when I thought the day would be perfectly wuite, I get a phone call, 10PM.. It’s homer, the trailer they have the time cycle on has broken down.. it’s got too much weight. They dropped about 1600 pounds of stuff in Oneata and are now heading back to Vermont to find a new trailer. .. Oy veh !    I’ve been on the phone for the last hour trying to find them another trailer..I may have found one in Jeffersonville.. but it may be too small.  If you have a trailer that can carry 6000 pounds, is at least 16 feet long, has a ball hitch and can part with your trailer for a week and a half.. please let us know !   Never, ever a dull moment around here..

OK.. I’m going to sleep now. I’ll worry about the trailer in the morning.. for now.. Gnite all. Gnite Sam
