Monday night – Another amazing story


So .. Discovery is doing a mini-marathon of The Colony

tonight. They’re showing the first four episodes of the show back to back

starting at 8PM because of increased interest in the show. We’re not able to

atch since we don’t have TV.. but I’ve been watching the feed  on Twitter and Facebook and the feedback is

really pretty good. It’s fun to watch.. ….

About 8:30 I logged into my email just to see the Facebook

feed. In my inbox was a new note from Jessica..a nurse in Florida. We know here

because she’s written to us once before. She was on the transplant team when

Sam made his organ donation Last year she wrote us a beautiful letter about being

on Sam’s transplant team on her first day at work. She told us how much that

day had affected her. It was a beautiful and sad letter.. I reread that letter for

time to time and it always makes me cry..

   Today she was

hanging out at home with her husband. He was watching TV and.. .. you can guess

 the rest.. she happened to walk in the

room just as I was placing the  Samstone  in the water filter. .. These things are meant

to happen.   Discovery is going to do some

public outreach using these stories to promote organ donation.. Sam , you’re story

is still working miracles in this world  ..

We miss you so much.. We love you.. Gnite folks.. Gnite Sam


.. ..

Sunday night – saying no .. a little more

Grrrr.. It’s 2am again.. and I’m just getting to blogging.. and it’s a work night.. I’ve been working for about 8 hours tonight on trying to finish the lights for the burning man vehicle.. and I don’t even think I’m going. I still need to finish up the lights and lasers so I don’t let anyone down.. . I think I’m saying ‘yes’ to to many things these days.. jobs at work. talks, projects, hobbies, trips.. eeeeeek , .. my head is spinning. . I think i’m going to start saying ‘no’.. or ‘no thank you’ to a little more stuff and see if that helps..

Right now.. I gotta sleep.. now that’s a big ‘Yes’ !

Oh.. one thing I want to let folks know.. Discovery is starting a big push on The Colony starting tomorrow. They’re goign to be running all of the first 4 episodes starting at 8PM EST  tomorrow.. (Monday).. then a new episode.. number 5. on Tuesday at 11PM EST. Number 5 shoud be pretty intense.. lots happened that week.. Tune in and let me know what you think !
Gnite everyone.. Nite Sam

saturday night – Happy birthday Dad !

greetings from sherborn Mass. Diane, Gabe Max and I drove down this afternoon to suprise my dad for his 79th birthday. My mom was having a small party for him and we decided to show up just for fun. We got here about 6:30 just before the pother guests started to arrive. Dad was really happy and suprised to see us..   It was a really nice gathering of folks.. including my dad’s cosin Sam and his wife Martha. Sam’s a physicist at harvard doing research  in magnetic resonance imaging… he immedialtly started talking to me abotu his research which was very cool. My folks are both doing well… my mom made gumbo loaded full of okra.. THat’s always been one of my dad’s favorite dishes. He grew up in Lousiana… It was really nice being here for the party. I took a bunch of pictures.. but .. alas.. I forgot to bring any cables to pull them down. I’ll post them tomorrow. In fact.. I’ll do everything tomorrow. I can hardly keep my eyes open right now.. Talk to you all tomorrow. Happy birthday dad.. nite everyone.. nite Sam.. (there are tons of pictures of you here)


Friday night – The colon-y

Well.. this morning started out in an unusual way..Today I gave my self a late 50th bitrhday present and visited the local gastrointerologist for one of those uh… well.. invasive tests. I had ever square centimeter of my lower GI photographed by a freindly robotic camera.. Like 99 percent of eveyone who does this.. I was A-OK… and my lower GI is the picture of health. Let’s just say that the experience was interesting and memorable.. actually.. not that memorable since the drugs they give you make you forget everything that happened.  It’s something every healthy adult over 50 should do .. but many never do because.. well..  if you’ve been putting off getting a colonscopy. because t sounds painful and unpleasant…. I’m here to tell you it wasn’t bad.. . . in fact  it beat a day at work ! just do it. !
    Since I should spare you pictures of that part of my day.. I’ll show you what Diane and I have been working on all evening. We’ve just finished the light strips for one of the burning man TimeCycle vehicles giant wheels.. Here’s a movie of the strips going through a few pattern changes.. note the two strips combined are more than 60 feet long !  I think this is going to look way cool on the vehicle !

OMG>. i’s 1AM again.. gotta get to sleep.. More tomorrow.. Night everyone… night Sam !